Saturday, 22 October 2011

The Great Race 1: Racing Against the Giant

Watching another news break-out about another huge railway constructing costs billions found out to be cut into pieces and sub-contracted to suspicious groups including one bunch of peasant workers with neither experience or certificate, headed by the figure of nobody but a small-time chef.

The TV screen showed a handful of lonesome great columns, which were erected to support the great railway, now standing uncertainly, nakedly with rough finish, in a bleak countryside of nothing. They were supposed to be filled with concretes, but now it's known their thick bellies are fed with not only concretes, but also cheaper fillings of gravels.

I suddenly had an revelation: I'm in a great race � against the giant turning loose in its head-long, feverish rash to nowhere but a headier space. We're rushing against each other for time: I need to get out of here before it catches up with me, before they catch up with me: its numerous physical, financial, social and political bombs buried under its numerous bridges, highway, skyscrapers, subways and other 21st century temples saluting the so-called awakening dragon and its mythical powers.

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